Go Rogue & Come Home with Me *
Go Rogue & Come Home with Me *
1:1 Guidance
While on my own Human Design journey, I searched high and low for someone who would walk me through every detail of my chart, only to come up empty-handed. So, I took it upon myself to create for others what I wished had been available to me when I initially started down this path. Here’s what you get when you decide to embark on 1:1 guidance with me:
A workbook curated JUST FOR YOU based on your personal birth information to be provided both digitally and in gorgeous print format that will used as our guide back home to YOU in our sessions.
Eight 90-minute 1:1 sessions with me where I walk you through your own Human Design, highlighting how each part can help you cultivate deep understanding, awareness, self-love, and empowerment, and answering any questions.
Our sessions will be focused on your unique Human Design based on the exact date, time, and location of your birth.
We will re-discover who you are on a soul level, from how you best make decisions to the theme of your life.
Using your unique Human Design, l will teach you how to use all of this information to cultivate self-awareness and self-love so that you can move through life feeling inspired and empowered.
How it works
As a 2/4 Projector with limited energy, I find fulfillment in working one-on-one or in very small groups. Because my guidance sessions are intentional, highly curated, and time and energy-intensive, I only open five spaces each season for those women who are ready and willing to do the work to come home. We cannot truly love ourselves unless we truly know ourselves, and Human Design gives us the tools to do just that. I am here to go all in with you. I need a few things first.
first, Complete Your Application.
This brief yet highly intentional set of questions gives me more insight into who you are, your intentions for our time together, and your commitment to working with me for 90 minutes each week for eight weeks. A ton of work goes into compiling your complete Human Design for your personalized workbook and our sessions, so I must ensure you are ready and willing to commit to our time and work together.
Second, Pay your deposit and coordinate future payments.
I offer three payment options:
Pay in full upfront
Pay in two installments
Pay in four installments
Regardless of how you choose to pay, a deposit is required to begin work.
Third, Schedule our sessions & begin our work
If and when your application is approved, I will begin working on your 120-page personalized Human Design Workbook, and we will schedule our eight 90-minute sessions together. I will send you both a digital and printed version of your workbook to use as a guide for our time together. In it, you will have space to take notes, answer and ask questions, and process each section.
Who is 1:1 guidance for?
The woman who is done…
- ignoring her intuition even when it was screaming in her face
- living out of alignment despite knowing that she is meant for so much more
- allowing conditioning to run her life rather than honoring who she is on a soul level
- living in the past and future-tripping
- not fully loving and trusting herself
- lacking self-worth
And is ready to walk through life…
- with a relentless sense of love for herself
- feeling empowered in her feelings, decisions, and experiences
- relaxed, knowing that she is operating from a place of self-trust and authenticity
- knowing herself so deeply that nothing or no one causes her to question herself or her worth
- trusting that in the face of whatever life throws at her, she can return to the present moment and reconnect with the truth of who she really is
- believing that everything she needs exists in the present moment and everything unfolds in Divine Timing
With Human Design, you can cultivate all of this. With Human Design, you can finally come home.
What We Will Cover
01. Your Human Design Basics
Your Energy Type and Aura
How you are meant to interact with the world energetically
How you are meant to make decisions
02. Your Nine Centers
Your defined, undefined, and wipe-open centers and what they each mean for you and your life (hint: they’re your biggest gifts and provide the greatest opportunity for growth)
Your planetary placements within each center and what that means for your life
Deconditioning: the process of releasing what it not actually YOU
03. Your Channels
The way energy flows and how this influences your “why” for being on this planet, right here, right now
04. Your Profile
Your primary way of being, your personality, how you interact with others and move through the world
05. Your Life Theme
The energy that is meant to infuse every aspect of your life
Your life purpose, what you came here to do
06. How You Manifest
The way you call in and create what you desire
07. Planetary Placements & their meanings
Unconscious and conscious planet placements and their meaning for your life
How your gifts are manifested
How each planet placement provides a unique roadmap for your life
08. Putting it all together & review
Bringing all of this together to get a clear picture of who you truly are at a soul level so that you can deeply love and appreciate who you are, why you’re here, and the gifts you are here to share with all of us
Answering any lingering questions
Processing any lingering thoughts

How you’ll feel
more self-aware, more confident, more empowered, more yourself.
Apply now!
This brief yet highly intentional set of questions gives me more insight into who you are, your intentions for our time together, and your commitment to working with me for 90 minutes each week for eight weeks. A ton of work goes into compiling your complete Human Design for your personalized workbook and our sessions, so I must ensure you are ready and willing to commit to our time and work together.
Do i need to be super familiar with human design to sign up for 1:1 guidance?
No. You need an open and curious mind and a desire to know yourself deeply.
How many times a year do you offer 1:1 Guidance?
Four. I open five spaces for 1:1 Guidance each season. My next season begins September 22, 2024.
How much of an investment is 1:1 GuidaNce?
$2000.00 total, with a $600 deposit required to secure your spot with me for the season.
Do you offer payment plans?
Yes. I am willing to work with you personally to determine a comfortable plan for you. I do, however, require a $600.00 deposit up front to secure your space.
why do you require a deposit?
1:1 guidance is highly curated and time and energy-intensive. Once approved, I begin working on your 120-page personalized Human Design workbook. This workbook is custom-made just for you based on your exact birth information. Hours of behind-the-scenes work go into both the workbook and our sessions together. Your deposit ensures that I am paid for my time spent curating something special for you even before we begin working 1:1 together.
What is the time commitment?
When you are approved for 1:1 guidance, you commit to eight 90-minute sessions with me. We will set a day and time for each of the eight weeks just for you. Session dates and times must be honored by arriving on time. Cancellations or reschedules are only allowed in emergencies. If you fail to attend one of your scheduled sessions for any reason other than an emergency, you forfeit that session, cannot reschedule, and will not be reimbursed. I take my time seriously and ask you to do the same.
Any other questions?
Feel free to reach out here.