Welcome to the Blog
Welcome to the Blog
My space to share what I’m currently learning and fascinated by in the field of Human Design.

The Greatness of the G Center
I have a Defined G Center. This means I know who I am and where I am going. Others cannot easily influence my identity and direction. Not only that, but I have six of the eight gates activated in my G Center. This means there is a massive influence of love and direction on who I am, where I am going, and what I am meant to embody and experience in this life.
The struggle to fully love and accept myself has been REAL my entire life. I attribute a large chunk of it to my Completely Open Heart Center which drastically impacts my self-esteem in a negative way, as well as a handful of traumatic experiences, including incredible gaslighting, that led me to doubt myself. Now that I am on the other side of incredible hardship, I have been able to reconnect with who I know myself to really be, what I really want, and where I am going. Learning about my G Center definition and gifts in Human Design validated all that I knew myself to be and gave me my power back. And for that, I will be forever grateful.
Learn about your own G Center with my latest workshop.

Express Yourself: My Defined Throat Center and Gifts
I have a Defined Throat Center. I was not surprised at all when I learned this. It validated what I knew to be true about myself and what others had told me throughout my life. I have never shied away from saying what needs to be said or communicating my thoughts. What I found the most interesting were the gates or gifts, I had activated in my Throat Center, as well as the impact of having my G Center directly connected to my Throat. Let’s get into it!

Conceptualize this: My Ajna Center Definition & gifts
I have been called “hard-headed” my entire life, and I feel like I finally know why. I have a defined Head and Ajna Center, meaning I have a Defined mind. I am constantly thinking. My mind never shuts off. Inspiration fills my brain. I want to know and understand things. The way I process and come to understand things is reliable and is unlikely to be influenced. Let me repeat that: IT IS UNLIKELY TO BE INFLUENCED.

Minding My Headspace: Inspiration & Always Thinking
I have a Defined Head Center. My mind is ALWAYS on. I am ALWAYS thinking. I am one of those people who wakes up in the middle of the night with an ‘ah ha’ moment and then proceeds to lie in bed thinking, thinking, thinking. Honestly, it’s kind of annoying. But at the same time, it’s such a freaking joy!
Learn about Your Head Center with my latest Cultivating Self-Love and Empowerment through Human Design Workshop: Minding Your Headspace- Thoughts and Inspiration. Now Available!

Knowing my root: What I have the drive for
I have a Undefined Root Center, meaning I move through life at my own pace. My natural state is relaxed and unbothered. It is only when I am around people with Defined Root Centers (60% of the population) that I absorb their adrenalized energy and stress and AMPLIFY it.

Matters of the Heart: How learning about my completely open heart center changed my life
It’s easiest to explain this with a personal example. I have a Completely Open heart, and when I learned this about myself, I nearly collapsed in tears. I have struggled with my own self-esteem and sense of self-worth my entire life…

Who is our future first female president, Kamala Harris?
Our current Vice President and soon to be first female President is a Generator. She is a true creator who is quite literally here generate GOOD energy.