Cultivating Self-Love & Empowerment using your Energy Type, Strategy, and Authority
By the end of this course you will know how to love and empower yourself by understanding:
how your unique energy interacts with everyone and everything
how you are meant to use your energy to attract the most aligned opportunities in your life
how you best make decisions
Lesson 1: Human Design Energy Type for Self-Love and Empowerment
IN THIS LESSON, you will learn about the five Human Design Types and how their energy interacts and communicates with everyone and everything around them. Let’s begin.
IN THIS LESSON, you will learn about the five Human Design Types and how their energy interacts and communicates with everyone and everything around them. Let’s begin.
Lesson 2: Human Design Strategy for Self-Love and Empowerment
IN THIS LESSON, you will learn what Strategy is, the Strategies associated with each of the five Human Design Energy Types, and how knowing these can boost your self-love and make you feel more empowered.
IN THIS LESSON, you will learn what Strategy is, the Strategies associated with each of the five Human Design Energy Types, and how knowing these can boost your self-love and make you feel more empowered.
Lesson 3: Human Design Authority for Self-Love and Empowerment
IN THIS LESSON, you will learn what Human Design Authority is, the different types of Authority, and how knowing yours can cultivate self-love and empowerment.
IN THIS LESSON, you will learn what Human Design Authority is, the different types of Authority, and how knowing yours can cultivate self-love and empowerment.
Bonus: Signature & Not-Self Theme
IN THIS LESSON, you will learn what Signature and Not-Self Themes are, and tips for cultivating self-love and empowerment by understanding yours.
IN THIS LESSON, you will learn what Signature and Not-Self Themes are, and tips for cultivating self-love and empowerment by understanding yours.
Continue Learning
Learn more about additional She Went Rogue Offerings to continue cultivating self-love and empowerment using Human Design.
Learn more about additional She Went Rogue Offerings to continue cultivating self-love and empowerment using Human Design.
Thank you!
Thank you so much for taking tie out of your day to learn more about cultivating self-love and empowerment using Human Design Energy Type, Strategy, and Authority!
Thank you so much for taking tie out of your day to learn more about cultivating self-love and empowerment using Human Design Energy Type, Strategy, and Authority!
Let’s Do This!
Go Rogue with me
The first step in self-rediscovery through human design is understanding your design type, strategy, and authority.
Anyone ready to take the first step in learning more about themselves using Human Design.
A 4-part online workshop about each of the Human Design Energy Types, their Strategy, Authority, and BONUS! Their Signature and Not-Self Theme, as well as Self-love and Empowerment Boosters associated with each energy type, strategy, authority, signature, and not-self theme.
A 16-page downloadable & printable report based on your unique Human Design + journal prompts and pages to jot down thoughts, insights, and questions.
Because you want to know how to love and empower yourself by understanding how:
Your unique energy interacts with everyone and everything
You are meant to use your energy to attract the most aligned opportunities in your life
You best make decisions
Seen, understood, loved, and empowered to be who you came here to be.
Tips for cultivating self-love and empowerment by understanding your Signature and Not-Self Theme included!