Conceptualize this: My Ajna Center Definition & gifts

I have been called “hard-headed” my entire life, and I feel like I finally know why. I have a Defined Head and Ajna Center, meaning I have a Defined mind. I am constantly thinking. My mind never shuts off. Inspiration fills my brain. I want to know and understand things. The way I process and come to understand things is reliable and is unlikely to be influenced. Let me repeat that: IT IS UNLIKELY TO BE INFLUENCED.

This does not mean that my mind doesn’t change; it just means that it changes with new information or new experiences. Someone simply telling me that they think differently about something will not change how I make sense of it or think about it. Plain and simple. I am inspired by what I am inspired by. I conceptualize the way I conceptualize. No amount of influence from others is going to change that. So, am I hard-headed? Sure. Do I care? No.

My mind is meant to inspire others to think, ask questions, and want to know more. It’s constantly examining the “this or that,” the why, and the how. It’s busy and noisy up there.

My Ajna Center gift is Gate 24, The Gate of the Return. This means I want to know the answers immediately. I have a fear of ignorance that might keep me from sharing what I know because I am worried that I don’t know “enough” for my thoughts to be valid. The goal of this gate is to release that fear. To trust that when I know something, I KNOW it. And when the proper invitation to share what I know comes along, I should share it unapologetically.

Having this gate activated means that I ruminate—A LOT. The way I process, make sense of things, and eventually find the answer is by repeatedly coming back to them until the answer finally clicks, the “ah ha” moment arrives, and I just GET IT. One minute, my knowing is not there, and the next it is. This knowing typically arrives when I’m in the middle of something else. Like a yoga pose, out on a walk, driving to the store, or reading a thriller novel. It can’t be forced. That is the key. The more I pressure myself to know the answer or figure something out, the more anxiety and mental anguish I feel.

The Ajna Center gates are here to show us where we’re falling prey to external expectations. For me, this is the expectation that we should all know the answer immediately. Society or our culture rarely gives us time to take a step back, process, and reflect. And yet, this is what this gate needs me to do to really access my Ajna Center gift. I cannot tell you the number of times I have awoken from a deep sleep with an “ah ha” moment. For me, answers and understanding come when I least expect it. The key for me is to keep coming back to it, mull it over, and then move on with my day until the answer arises. The minute I catch myself trying to force my understanding, that is the minute I succumb to outside expectations and abandon myself. When this happens, I need to remind myself of what is true- that the answer will come in time. I need to cut myself slack, show myself compassion, and be patient.

The best example of this is learning Human Design. I have been studying the Science of Differentiation for about six years now. It wasn’t until this past Spring that it all really and truly came together for me. There was this moment where I just looked at the chart and all my books and everything I had read and thought, “I’ve got it now.” Which is why I am finally and wholeheartedly sharing my understanding with you. Was it ideal to study something over and over for six years? Probably not. But was it worth it? F*ck yes.

To make this even more fascinating, my Head Center is connected to my Ajna Center via the Channel of Awareness, meaning that Gate 61 from my Head Center and Gate 24 from my Ajna Center are activated and form a channel. Channels create a flow of energy from one center to another. For me, this means that when I am inspired by something or learning about something, there is a natural flow of energy that allows me to conceptualize or make sense of it.

The Channel of Awareness allows me to think and muse, turning things over and over again until I KNOW. It gives me this insatiable desire to know the unknowable and know what can and cannot be known. With this channel, I am “designed to inspire others with my unique knowing and to offer [others] potential to see life in a completely new way.” The end goal of this gift is to accept that I can’t control my thinking or dictate when my knowing will arrive. I am meant to “surrender to the serendipity of inner truth that will make itself known.” How frustratingly cool is that?

To add an even deeper level, Gate 24 in my Ajna Center is activated by my Unconscious Mars. This means that I have zero control over my knowing but that this knowing is where I take action. Gate 61 in my Head Center is activated by my Unconscious Mercury. This means I have zero control over what inspires me, yet I am here to communicate about the mysteries of life and the unknowable. It is not my job to explain how I know what I know, but simply that I do.

You can learn about your own Ajna Center definition and gifts with the Workshop below.


Express Yourself: My Defined Throat Center and Gifts


Minding My Headspace: Inspiration & Always Thinking