Minding My Headspace: Inspiration & Always Thinking

I have a Defined Head Center. My mind is ALWAYS on. I am ALWAYS thinking. I am one of those people who wakes up in the middle of the night with an ‘ah ha’ moment and then proceeds to lie in bed thinking, thinking, thinking. Honestly, it’s kind of annoying. But at the same time, it’s such a freaking joy!

As I have learned about my own centers and their definition, I have often felt seen in a way I have never felt seen before. That wasn’t really the case with the Head Center. I knew my mind was always going; I just didn’t understand why. But now I do. It’s just the way I am wired.

The most fascinating part of learning about Head Center was discovering the gate I have activated there, Gate 61: The Gate of the Unknown. For as long as I can remember, I’ve been drawn to the mysteries of life. Why do we do things? What is the purpose of this? Why are we the way that we are? How do some people end up in one place while others end up in another? Why do humans fight so much when there is so much love? Where do we go when we die? There must be more to life than working until we die, right? What’s the meaning of all this? I NEED TO KNOW.

I love all things that don’t really have an explanation. Tarot? Give it to me. How do cards seem to tell me exactly what I need to know? Past-life hypnosis? Oh my god, yes! Tell me everything! I am a firm believer that people have unexplainable gifts. Where do they come from? I want to understand things. How is it that my dad, who passed away in 2017, can show up as a rainbow when I need him? Someone make it make sense, please!

Seeing that I have this gate normalized my source of inspiration for me. It made me feel less weird and more like Yep, that’s just me. Not only that, but it also taught me that to keep my mind from flying off the rails and morphing into anxiety, I have to let my mind be drawn to the unknown things without expecting an answer. Some things are just unknowable. And that one line, the one simple line, was like one of those deep breaths you didn’t realize you needed until you took it.

My ongoing practice: Letting myself be drawn to all the mysteries and what some might call “odd” or “woo” topics and not being ashamed of it. Letting myself learn for learning’s sake. Understanding that silence is necessary for me. Understanding that music is necessary for me. Understanding that both of those things allow my brain to do what it loves to do in two completely different ways. Releasing the need to always find an answer and instead, basking in the coolness that is mystery and the unknown. This practice only exists because I took the time to learn myself through Human Design.

Learn more about your Head Center in Human Design with my latest Workshop!

Minding Your Headspace: Thoughts and Inspiration
One time


Conceptualize this: My Ajna Center Definition & gifts


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