IN THIS LESSON, you will learn about the five Human Design Types and how their energy interacts and communicates with everyone and everything around them. Let’s begin.

Your Human Design Type

Type is the most essential part of your Human Design. It is how your energy interacts and communicates with everyone and everything around you. Every person falls into one of five types: Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, Manifestor, or Reflector.

Manifestors are the initiators. They comprise approximately 9% of the population and are here to set things in motion.

Generators and Manifesting Generators are the builders. They comprise nearly 70% of the population and are equipped with immense life force energy to work and love their work.

Projectors are the Guides. They comprise approximately 20% of the population and are here to advise and provide insight and perspective.

Reflectors are the Discerners, the rarest type, making up only 1% of the population. They are here to sample the energy around them and let us know how we’re doing.

As you can see, the world needs all five types. They each have their unique energy style and aura. No matter your type, you came into this world with specific gifts.

Manifestors light the fire and get things started. They may not always finish everything they start, and that’s because they’re not supposed to.

Generators and Manifesting Generators are like energizer bunnies. They are built to find something they love and use all their energy daily working on it.

Projectors are here to guide all the energy types. They see people’s gifts clearly and intuitively know how to optimize energy. They have limited energy but are built to get done in three hours what it may take other types eight hours to accomplish.

Reflectors are canaries in the coal mine. They sample energy and act as barometers for humanity, giving us feedback about how we’re helping or hurting ourselves.

Woman complete Human Design Course on her laptop

Can you imagine how empowering it would be to have this information about yourself and those around you? When I learned that I was a Projector, it was as if I could finally take a massive sigh of relief. My entire life, I had felt this overwhelming pressure that I should be busy working, doing, and creating all day, every day. I pushed myself until I was exhausted. I am not kidding when I say that there is nothing that I love enough to do eight hours a day, every single day. I don’t have the stamina. It’s because I am a Projector, not a Generator or Manifesting Generator, and yet, I was trying so desperately to keep up with 70% of the population. My entire life, I felt like something was wrong with me when, in fact, there was nothing wrong with me at all.

As you complete this workshop, I hope you will also breathe a massive sigh of relief and, perhaps for the first time, feel seen and understood in a way you haven’t yet before. When you finally understand that there’s nothing wrong with you, that you’re equipped with incredibly unique gifts, you stop comparing yourself to everyone else and instead appreciate and love yourself for all that you are, empowering you to move through life with confidence and ease.

If you don’t know your Human Design Type, Strategy, or Authority, you can find it here. Fill in your birth information below to generate your FREE Human Design Chart that will assist in guiding you through this workshop.